Running VMware Unified access gateway (UAG) on Hyper-V is one of supported deployments scenarios of UAG , for Horizon use case you may have DMZ servers hosted in Hyper-V and workspace one use case you may have the Internal servers running on hyper V , so how to deploy it
- Download files.
- Unifed Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell scripts to get all scripts to deploy the appliance
- Unifed Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure to have .vhd file so Hyper-V disk format file.

- Convert the vhd file to vhdx : to convert vhd to vhdx , we will use “Convert-VHD” command in powershell
Note: if the command not found , run the following command :
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-Hyper-V-Tools –IncludeAllSubFeature
Import-Module ServerManager
- Then restart the server
To convert vhd to vhdx
Convert-VHD <source .vhd> <distnation .vhdx>
Convert-VHD euc-unified-access-gateway- euc-unified-access-gateway-
- Deploy the vhdx file
From the powershell scripts we need “uagdeploy.ps1 ” and “uag9-awhv.ini”
Create folder UAG under c:\ and copy 3 files to this path
– euc-unified-access-gateway-
– uagdeploy.ps1
– uag9-awhv.ini
And now we can edit the uag9-awhv.ini file to deploy the Appliance (replace the file content with the below )
# UAG virtual appliance unique name (between 1 and 32 characters).
# If name is not specified, the script will prompt for it.
# Full path filename of the UAG Hyper-V .vhdx virtual machine image
# Hyper-V datastore folder
ds=E:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks
# Hyper-V Network names. (assume UAG with single NIC and will connect to” VM Network” )
netInternet=VM Network
netManagementNetwork=VM Network
netBackendNetwork=VM Network
# UAG Network configuration.
#additional settings
#enable SSH
# Enter a customized username of the high privilege user #during Unified Access Gateway deployment.
#Maximum length of the username is 32 characters and can be a #combination of a-z, 0-9, underscore _ and, hyphen -.
#When this user is configured, the root login is deactivated.
# refer to
#we are creating super user instead of root named uemadmin
osLoginUsername =uemadmin
Once edited for our environment we can launch the deployment :
set-executionpolicy - unrestricted
cd C:\UAG
.\uagdeploy.ps1 -iniFile uag9-awhv.ini
And check at the end that everything’s ok , the deployment will start and you will be prompted to enter password for uemadmin and admin account